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Awareness & Education

Down syndrome is a genetic condition. It is not an illness or a disease. It occurs when an individual has an extra copy of their 21st chromosome, meaning that people born with Down syndrome commonly have 47 chromosomes in their cells instead of 46. It cannot be inherited and occurs by random chance at the time of conception. 


Down syndrome usually causes varying degrees of intellectual and physical disability and associated medical issues. The level of ability will be different for each individual. A child born with DS might take longer than other children their age to reach certain milestones and develop certain skills. They may also need ongoing support for different aspects of their life when they become an adult.


It is often said that people born with Down syndrome can live an independent life… Well, it would probably be better to say, “With the right tailored support, people born with Down syndrome can live a 'supported' independent life". As with other conditions associated with a physical and learning disability, every person with DS is an individual and, with the right tailored support and opportunities, can lead a happy and fulfilling life.


By helping to raise awareness, and changing perceptions, we aim to help remove misunderstandings and barriers and create a platform of values and opportunities that support people with Down syndrome to live fulfilled lives.

Learn more about Down syndrome and Krome21

Read Founder, Coach H's interview with the Museum of London where North London United's 2023 training top is on display.

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